Jan & Jul Wholesale USA and International

Jan & Jul Kids’ Outdoor Gear for Rain or Shine!

At Jan & Jul we want kids to get outside and play no matter what the weather! Our clothing is for active on-the-go explorers and nature loving kids, that is why we have developed a line of Sun Protection Gear that protects little ones from harmful UV rays, Foot Wear to keep children’s feet safe and comfortable on rough terrain and in different climates, Waterproof Clothing that keeps them Cozy-Dry even on wettest days and Cool Weather Clothing for those brisk winter days.

Fresh Picks

Waterproof Gear

Our waterproof line is made with bionic-finish technology from Germany with fully taped seams. Designed in Vancouver, BC
by moms that understand the challenges of rainy days. Get outside and stay cozy-dry with this quality waterproof gear.


Play outside no matter the weather with Jan & Jul boots, from natural rubber boots to toasty warm waterproof winter boots,
we have a boot for every season. So get your little ones out adventuring throughout the year in comfort!

Cool Weather

Stay cozy during the colder months with our fleece clothing, perfect for layering.
Keep warm with our hats and mittens with so many styles to choose from there is something for every child!


Play outside no matter the weather with Jan & Jul shoes, from sweat-free summer shoes to toasty warm waterproof winter boots
we have a shoe for every season. Get little ones out adventuring throughout the year in comfort!

Sun Protection

We believe getting out in the sun is one of the joys of childhood but we all know how harmful the sun can be on little one’s skin
that is why we have developed a line of high quality Sun Protection Gear, made without harmful chemicals.

Our Commitment to Quality


Our Waterproof products are made with Bionic-Finish technology from Germany. It is breathable, plus PVC & fluorine free, No harmful chemicals are used to make them. All waterproof garments have fully taped seams.

Sun Protection

Our Sun Protection products have 50+ UPF rating. The highest rating possible. The rating is achieved through the weave of the fabric. No harmful chemicals are used. Sun protection that you can count on because itwon’t wash off!

Designed in Vancouver

Designed and tested in Vancouver, BC and ethically produced in China. Founded and run by women, We value the empowerment of women: providing sustainable income to them in Canada and overseas.

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